What is Scouting?

Scouting is a worldwide educational movement of youth. Scouts is the largest youth organisation in Australia and the world.
The Purpose of the Scout Movement is to contribute to the development of young people in achieving their full physical, intellectual, emotional, social and spiritual potentials as individuals, as responsible citizens and as members of their local, national and international communities.

The Scout Method

Scouts learn through practical experiences and a variety of challenging activities.

Scouts will get dirty, wet, cold and tired at times. These are opportunities for growth and Scouts will learn that they can prevail against such conditions. The outdoors are the perfect place to allow young people to overcome these challenges.

Through the award scheme, Scouts are recognised for their achievements and encouraged to participate in a range of activities that challenge them as individuals.

Scouts are a part of the meeting planning process as well as outdoor activity planning and execution. Scouts make suggestions, develop their ideas and run activities. Adults offer age-appropriate support and guidance.

The Patrol is a team of young people led by young people. More experienced Scouts train and support less experienced members. In this way Scouts get experience in teaching and leadership as well as how to learn from and support others.

Scouts actively explore an individual’s commitment and responsibility to their community and the wider world.

The Promise and Law outline a value framework for youth. Adding to this framework, many values are naturally developed in Scout members through the activities they participate in and the challenges they overcome.

A set of themes and symbols helps Scouts remain aware of their personal Scouting journey.