Explore the Unknown

Scouts are boys and girls between the ages of 11 and 14½, who operate as a larger group known as a Unit and as smaller groups known as Patrols.
Scout Units are under the supervision of trained adult leaders. Each Patrol is led by a youth Patrol Leader (PL) and Assistant Patrol Leader (APL). Scouts take on much of the responsibility of planning and running meetings and other activities.
Scouts set off to camp regularly. Some camps are run on a state or regional basis and involve multiple Scout Units. Scouts work on their Milestone badges during meetings, but they can also take on Special Interest badges and complete their Outdoor Adventure Skills coursework.
What do we do?

Scouts are involved in a variety of exciting activities. We attend the State Rally, the Australian Jamboree (every 3 years) and our own Group and Scout Camps; but Scouting is not just about pitching tents. We also fly in the light aircraft at the Air Activities Centre and we participate in water activities at the Boree Regatta. Scouts also learn how to abseil and go on hikes regularly.
Scout meetings are often run by a chosen Patrol and can include wide games away from the hall, scavenger hunts, hikes, beach trips, camp-fires, preparation for camps, badge-work or construction activities. Scouts do a lot of things for themselves, they lead and teach each other according to experience and ability (and have a lot of fun while doing it).

When and Where?
Scouts meet on Thursday nights during school terms 7:00pm – 9:00pm. If you would like to join Scouts or for more information, please contact our Group Leader Hayley Jarick (Ikki) through the contact form. When you come to our hall a Leader will talk to you, answer any questions you might have and give you an information pack.