Achievement Pathways
Scouts | Terrain is the website where all youth sections can explore, take on and achieve the various badges and awards of the Scouting movement, as well as log their experience. Each section uses the same basic system but as members grow and move through the sections, the challenge and complexity increases.
Logging in
In order to login to Scouts | Terrain the first time, you will need to enter your Scout Membership number and your password will be the member’s birth date in the following form: YYYY-MM-DD. For example, if the birth date is the 14th of August, 2015, the password would be 2015-08-14 (make sure to include the hyphens – ).
Badge Placement
Introduction to Scouting
When you first enter Scouting you will do Introduction to Scouting.

Introduction to Scouting / Section
When you first enter a Section, you will do Introduction to Section.

The Program Essentials of Scouting are completed through Participating in, Assisting with or Leading activities at regular meetings and in time the youth member may be awarded their Milestone achievements. These activities are themed around 4 areas: Community, Outdoor, Creative and Personal Growth Challenges.

Outdoor Adventure Skills
The Core Areas are the key Scouting skills that most Scouts will be able to complete. The Specialist Areas focus on particular skills that Scouts might want to explore.
Core Areas

Bushcraft will split into two streams at higher levels:
- Pioneering
- Survival Skills
Specialist Areas
Land based

The streams to be found in each area are:
- Alpine – Cross-country skiing, Downhill skiing, Snowboarding, Snow-camping and Snow-shoeing
- Cycling – Cycle Touring, Mountain Biking
- Vertical – Abseiling, Canyoning, Caving, Climbing
Water based

The streams to be found in each area are:
- Aquatics – Snorkelling, Scuba Diving, Lifesaving, Swiftwater Safety, Surfing
- Boating – Sailing, Windsurfing
- Paddling – Canoeing, Kayaking, Sea Kayaking, White Water Canoeing, White Water Kayaking, White Water Rafting
Special Interest Areas
These are opportunities for Scouts to explore their personal interests or to encourage them to try new things. Youth members form a project goal and then work to achieve it.

Additional Awards
There are also some additional awards that can be gained through experience or by earning certain non-Scouting qualifications.

Peak Awards
The Peak Award is the highest that a youth member can achieve in a given section. To achieve the Peak Award a youth member must:
- Complete Milestone 3
- Undertake 6 Special Interest Area projects
- Reach Stage 1 (Joeys), 3 (Cubs) or 5 (Scouts) in the three core Outdoor Adventure Skills
- Participate in (Joeys) or Lead (Cubs and Scouts) an Adventurous Journey.
- Complete (Cubs and Scouts only) a Leadership or Personal Development Course
- Complete a Personal Reflection