Create the Path
Cub Scouts are girls and boys between the ages of 8 and 11 who set off together on an exciting trail of adventure.

A Cub Scout Unit is guided by a team of trained adult volunteers whose Scouting names are taken from Rudyard Kipling’s Jungle Book. Within the Unit are smaller groups called Patrols, each led by a youth Patrol Leader (PL) and helped by an Assistant Patrol Leader (APL). Cubs participate in the planning and running of meetings and other activities.
Cubs can earn a number of different badges to wear on their uniform or display on their camp blanket. Cubs work on their Milestone badges during meetings, but they can also take on Special Interest badges and complete their Outdoor Adventure Skills coursework.
What do we do?

Our Cubs enjoy many different activities every year. Cub meetings are often held away from the hall and include activities such as indoor rock climbing, laser tag or visiting the police or fire station. We also practice our fire lighting (and singing) with camp-fires at the hall. In Summer we have a meeting at the pool and work on our Aquatics badges. Our whole Group camps together yearly so that the Joeys, Cubs and Scouts can get to know one another but Cubs have their own Unit Holidays too.
There are also the Cub Region Camp and the Cub Day Out where South Met Cubs can get together for some fun and games. A Cuboree is held every 3 years where we can camp with others from around New South Wales. We go on hikes and learn to abseil, that is when we’re not flying in a light aircraft at the Air Activities Centre.
When and Where?

Cubs meet on Wednesday nights during school terms from 7:00pm – 8:30pm. If you are interested in joining Cubs, please contact our Group Leader Hayley Jarick (Ikki) through the contact form. When you come to our hall a Leader will talk to you, answer any questions you might have and give you a Cub Scout Info Pack (pdf).